
To Clean: Use fragrance-free, liquid soap from a bottle. Never use bar soap on your tattoo. I recommend Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Pure-Castile Soap, or Dial Antimicrobial Liquid Soap.

To Moisturize: Lightly apply a thin layer of ointment or lotion. I recommend Wild Rose Ink Balm, which is available to purchase at the studio, or unscented lotion, such as Cetaphil or Lubriderm.

Bandage Instructions

Dri-Loc Bandage: Wear for up to 4 hours, then proceed with steps 1-5 below.

Dermal Bandage: Wear for 1-7 days. Remove bandage if it contains excessive liquid/plasma, is blistering at the edge, or part of the tattoo becomes exposed.

  1. Remove bandage. Do not wrap or rebandage tattoo again after this point.

  2. Wash with soap and warm water. Do not use a wash-cloth or loofah.

  3. Pat dry with a clean paper towel. Do not dry your tattoo with your bath/shower towel.

  4. Apply a light coat of your moisturizer of choice.

  5. Wash and moisturize 2-3 times a day as needed for 2-3 weeks. Do not pick or scratch.

General Tattoo Aftercare Instructions:

  • Always handle your tattoo gently, with clean hands only.

  • Do not submerge in standing water: No baths, pool, or hot tub for 4 weeks.  No rivers, lakes, oceans, etc for 8 weeks.

  • Do not expose to direct sunlight or tanning beds.

  • Wear loose fitting clothing over the tattooed area.

  • Avoid contact with pets and animal fur. Do not allow your pets to sleep in bed with you.

  • Avoid exercise for 1-2 weeks – especially sweaty cardio and shared gym environments.